Watch casings

Leisure industry TruPrint Platinum gold Additive manufacturing

The technology is also suitable for 3D printing of precious metals. The watch casing is a precious metal application printed with platinum gold. The homogenous structure is pore-free and has a high density.

With CNC post-processing

Without CNC post-processing

Homogenous structure
High density

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Do you have a component that you would like to 3D print? Would you like to know what potential savings there are, and what advantages you could benefit from with additive manufacturing? Then get in touch with us today to arrange an individual consultation with our experts.

Facts & figures for an example part

Material: Platinum gold

Weight: 200 g

Build time: 3 h

Number of layers: 525, ea. 30 µm

Created by: C. HAFNER GmbH + Co. KG

Customer video from C.HAFNER about 3D printing of precious metals and the advantages of the LMF process.

Workpieces printed in a powder bed are predestined for CNC post-processing. The requirement is a fine structure, as can be achieved in the LMF process.


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