Radio-frequency quadrupole made of pure copper

General industry TruPrint Copper Additive manufacturing

The component in the CERN-coordinated project I.FAST* (Innovation Fostering in Accelerator Science and Technology) is additively manufactured from pure copper and serves as a core component of future particle accelerators. The TruPrint 5000 Green Edition enables distortion-free production by skipping several production steps such as milling, soldering and heat treatment. The aim of this strategic project is to establish and expand Europe's leading role in particle accelerators for science and society. The processing of pure copper is made possible by the integrated green TRUMPF laser of the TruPrint 5000 Green Edition.

*This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement no. 101004730.

First additively manufactured radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ)

The fins are individually designed and internally cooled

Improved cooling
High conductivity
Flexible production

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Facts & figures for an example part

Material: pure copper

Weight: 22 kg

Build time: 7 days

Height: 395 mm

Created by: Cern as part of the I.Fast Project

There are currently over 30,000 accelerators in use worldwide, most of them in healthcare and industry. Additive manufacturing can help reduce the size and cost of all types of accelerators by improving and speeding up their production and increasing their performance.

Maurizio Vretenar
CERN, Project Coordinator for I.FAST

Find out more about the product

TruPrint 5000 Green Edition

The TruPrint 5000 Green Edition is the medium-format 3D printing system for processing reflective materials such as copper or precious metals. As such, the 3D printer opens up new opportunities for additive manufacturing of large components, induction coils or components for complex cooling applications, e.g. for power electronics and optoelectronics.

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