Camera Head Unit Brackets (CHU)
Satellite star trackers are made up of a combination of two optical cameras. The camera unit is protected by a CHU bracket, which is conventionally made of aluminum blocks. Additive manufacturing means that the design and quality of the component can be selected freely. Compared to conventional production, this means that the weight, volume, and costs can be reduced. The printed part is also more rigid. By changing the material, it was possible to optimize the mechanical properties of the material on site, eliminating the need for electrochemical polishing and heat treatment. The Institute of Space Systems at the University of Stuttgart developed the CHU as part of the Flying Laptop satellite, which was developed and launched into space in 2014. It is used to accurately calculate the position and orientation of satellites in space.
Facts & figures about the example part
Material: AlSi10Mg (conventionally Al 7075)
Weight: 150 g (conventionally 216 g)
Dimensions: 112 mm x 160 mm x 128 mm (additive manufacturing design)
Volume: 57 cm³ (conventionally 77 cm³)
Construction duration: three components/substrate plate: 18 h (TruPrint 3000), 7.6 h (TruPrint 5000)
Stress: 125 MPa (conventionally 241 MPa)
Number of layers: 2155, each 60 µm (additive manufacturing design)
Build rate: 9626 cm³/hr
Created by: German Aerospace Center (DLR) and TRUMPF