Amorphous expansion sleeve

General industry TruPrint Amorphous metals Additive manufacturing

The high elasticity and strength of the amorphous metal AMLOY ZR01 (AMZ04) enable the production of lightweight expansion sleeves. Thanks to the direct integration of complex geometries into the component during printing, there is no need for single parts in the assembly.

Weight reduction
High elasticity

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Facts & figures for an example part

Material: AMLOY ZR01 (AMZ4)

Weight: 200 g

Number of layers: 3680 (incl. support)

Minimal wall/gap thickness: 200 µm

Created by: Heraeus AMLOY

For applications such as expansion sleeves, less pressure is required for clamping, as the elasticity of the material is significantly better than that of crystalline materials. In addition, complex geometries can be printed directly into a component, eliminating the need for single parts in the assembly.

Valeska Melde
Heraeus AMLOY Technologies GmbH

Find out more about the product

TruPrint 2000
TruPrint 2000

Are you looking for a profitable machine concept with outstanding printing results? The TruPrint 2000 meets these requirements exactly. With its full-field multilaser, consisting of 2 x 300 W (optionally 2 x 500 W) lasers, a beam diameter of 80 µm and a short recoating time, it delivers excellent results. Its build volume is 200 x 200 mm in the base area and 200 mm in height. The production process is based on a closed powder circuit under shielding gas, which ensures practical handling and the highest occupational safety.

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