Further information about amorphous metals can be found at: www.heraeus-amloy.com
These machines enable amorphous printing – even in series
A real dream team: 3D printing and amorphous metals. Or more precisely: the TruPrint systems from TRUMPF and the ultra-pure, specially optimized powders from Heraeus AMLOY. This is because the TruPrint 1000 and 2000 are particularly suited for printing amorphous metals. The small beam diameters generate the highest surface qualities. This simplifies the refinishing process of the applications or even renders them unnecessary. Excess powder can be prepared "inertly", that is, using shielding gas. This protects the material from harmful effects such as oxygen which is quick to react with metallic glasses. The laser generates a small weld pool with a beam diameter of 55 µm. The heat dissipates quickly and the critical cooling time of 200 Kelvin per second can be maintained. This means that the metal cannot crystallize. In the TruPrint 2000, two 300-watt lasers scan the entire build volume in parallel. This means amorphous components can be manufactured productively in series, and to a high quality standard. Thanks to Condition Monitoring, Powder Bed Monitoring and Melt Pool Monitoring, errors in the process can be detected early on. A perfected process.