The air-cooled RF generator TruPlasma RF 1001 Air delivers up to 1000 watts of high-precision, reproducible RF energy with an extremely fine resolution – in increments of 100 mW – and is thus suitable for diverse plasma applications. Whether manufacturing semi-conductors, solar cells, or displays – the patented TRUMPF Hüttinger Technology guarantees top reliability and the best process results all round due to modern process functions.
Guarantees optimum and very fast frequency tuning, and thus an optimum interaction between the generator and matchbox.
Safe operation of demanding and new processes ensures your product is protected.
Multi-level, flexible control of the pulse shape for improved process results in modern plasma processes.
Flexible use and replacement of generators possible in the event of process changes or retrofitting.
The patented CombineLine technology guarantees uniform process power due to a true output impedance of 50 ohms.
With various power classes within the RF product family, all process requirements can be met.
In the event of process changes or changes to the system, it is no longer necessary to adjust the cable lengths.
This product range and information may vary depending on the country. Subject to changes to technology, equipment, price, and range of accessories. Please get in touch with your local contact person to find out whether the product is available in your country.