Anika Bank, Trainee

New Methods even for the Youngest

A gile methodologies are being applied even in the training department at TRUMPF. Experts from different areas are working together for project training machine.

Agile collaboration also takes place at TRUMPF training department at headquarters in Ditzingen. The idea is to use agile methods right from the start, just as people are embarking on their careers. Experts from different areas work together for the training project. Challenges can be solved by using agile methods.


The training department designs , builds and operates its own machine for training purposes , running through all the same stages that you would need to develop a “real” machine. Let ’s see how it works!

Picture: TRUMPF


The project is still at an early stage, but it illustrates how agile methodologies are being applied in various parts of the company – and are already a key component of hands-on training.

Picture: TRUMPF


The idea is to actively involve 170 students and apprentices from different departments in the project over the next three years, and to accompany them on that journey.

Picture: TRUMPF


Apprentices work with experts from different areas, breaking down rigid
hierarchies in the process. So even if the Scrum Master is an apprentice, they are
definitely expected to step up and say what the next steps will be.

Picture: TRUMPF


With some people spending periods of time at vocational colleges and following the dual study system, the challenge is that you don’t have all the participants in the same place at the same time. On top of that, not all the apprentices on the technical side of things have access to their own computer.

Picture: TRUMPF


The traditional kinds of project-management methods that require a computer didn’t provide proper transparency to each and every individual.

Picture: TRUMPF


That ’s why the training department want s to move with the times by using the  methodologies that currently have priority within the company and are in widespread use.

Picture: TRUMPF


But by using pinboards and workshop boards , the team keeps all the individuals tages and process visible at all times , so everyone is kept up to date on the current status.

Picture: TRUMPF


The team running the training project is supported by the Project Competence Center, which provides advice on agile practices and conducts training sessions on agile methodologies.

Picture: TRUMPF


Just like in all projects , there are no fixed formats or rigid methods of agile collaboration. Each project team has to make its own decisions on which methods they will use, and in which format.

Picture: TRUMPF

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