自主机床的 5 个阶段
Operator involvement is at a maximum. All tasks are completed by the operator.
The machine supports the operator with selected tasks. The operator is primarily located around the machine.
The matchine regulates the cut mostly on its own. Generally the operator has only to be by the machine at predictable points in time.
The machine prevents interruptions by self-optimization. The operator is informed about necessary interventions in advance.
The machine reacts independantly to all interruptions in the production process. Operator involvement is kept to a minimum, the focus is on machine maintenance.
我们的愿景十分明确。我们的目标是开发自主机床。通过自适应进给控制系统 Active Speed Control 和全自动激光加工机床 TruLaser Center 7030,我们已经跨越第三个规模化阶段的门槛。第五个阶段是完全自主机床。进行比例划分时尤其要考虑以下用于位置确定的参数:手动监控和操作员对机器进行干预的比例。在此关注的重点是机床能够独立识别、避免和排除故障——无需人为干预。在我们的愿景中,操作员的核心作用是控制流程并保持控制。