Ülke, bölge ve dil seçimi

Whether it's machines and systems, lasers, sensors and optics, intelligent software and services, or power tools - at INTECH you'll find plenty of inspiration for your manufacturing and ample space for professional exchange. TRUMPF supports you in manufacturing sustainably and reducing your carbon footprint. We will also inform you about our solutions with partner companies. We look forward to seeing you!

TruLaser Center 7030, kesme kafası görev başında
Machines & systems

Get the best out of your production! For flexible sheet metal and tube processing, we offer you equipment and systems for bending and punching, for combined punch-laser processes, 2D and 3D cutting applications or laser welding. Furthermore, discover all relevant laser technologies for additive manufacturing. Our portfolio and our innovations should convince you!

Scheibengeometrie des TruDisk

Sie haben Fragen rund um den Laser? Unser Team stellt sich Ihren Herausforderungen – und findet für jede Anwendungsfrage die passende Lösung. Entdecken Sie Laser, Optiken und Sensoriken von TRUMPF und erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit innovativen Technologien Ihre Fertigung effizienter und produktiver gestalten können. 

TRUMPF software

How do you keep track of all process steps and manufacture fluently? We develop software for all areas of sheet metal processing and laser technology - so that you can unleash the full potential of your production.

Ana görsel servisleri

Bring more transparency to your production with our service packages. Use your machine data to get the most out of your TRUMPF machines. As a partner, we support you with coordinated service solutions.