With machine diagnostics, TRUMPF detects abnormalities in the machine before they can cause a breakdown // TRUMPF experts monitor the machine during operation // Higher productivity and lower service costs through maximum uptime
EuroBLECH: TRUMPF machine diagnostics reduces production downtime
Ditzingen / Hanover, October 9, 2024 – Fix a problem with the machine before it affects production – with TRUMPF machine diagnostics, this is possible. To do this, TRUMPF service experts remotely monitor the machine's condition (condition monitoring). “With the new machine diagnostics, we can capture more in-depth machine measurement data, such as motor currents or sensor signals, that previously could not be measured. Simply put, we could previously take a machine's temperature, but now we can get a complete blood count,” explained Martin Schober, head developer of machine diagnostics at TRUMPF. With the digital service condition monitoring, service technicians were already able to view machine status data, such as the level of lubricating fluids. With the addition of machine diagnostics, TRUMPF can analyze the machine's status even more reliably and, above all, remotely.
A deep look inside the machine
During the machine diagnostics, the machine independently and regularly performs measurements. Service experts from TRUMPF check this data for special error patterns that indicate unusual machine behavior. To do this, they use automatic search algorithms to compare the data with defined indicators and limit values. “If, for example, components on the machine's axes wear out due to dirt or stress, this will have a long-run negative impact on production,” explained TRUMPF product manager Stefanie Rieker. “With machine diagnostics, we are now able to avoid such cases because we can now collect the relevant data and, above all, interpret it. If we detect any irregularities, we react immediately and contact the customer with the appropriate recommendations for action,” added Rieker.
Increased productivity with lower service costs
The advantage for the customer: they always know the condition of their machine and are informed in advance of any potential problems. This allows them to check the settings or plan the replacement of a component in good time. As a result, they can prevent consequential damage or machine failures, avoid unforeseen service visits and reduce costs. At the same time, the continuous availability of the machine increases production productivity.
Fast troubleshooting – even without a service visit
Over 80 percent of all service cases can be predicted and planned using digital condition monitoring. Thanks to the significantly more precise error diagnostics that this enables, the service engineer can also inform the customer about possible action steps remotely. In most cases, the problem can be solved without a service visit, which saves time and money. TRUMPF has already reached the point where the customer can solve the problem independently in three out of four cases, for example, with step-by-step instructions, so-called Technical Guides, or in remote contact with a TRUMPF service engineer.
The prerequisite for this is that the machine is connected online to the TRUMPF network, for which the company places a high value on maximum information security and data protection. This is how TRUMPF ensures that no unauthorized access to the data takes place.
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