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TRUMPF invests in IT startup ZIGPOS

IT solution supports TRUMPF's Track & Trace for tracking parts in production // Managing Director Schneider: "Digital assistance systems in sheet metal fabrication are a crucial competitive advantage"

Ditzingen, June 18, 2019 – The high-technology company TRUMPF is driving interlinked and networked production, and has acquired a 25.1 percent share in ZIGPOS. The innovative Dresden-based IT company specializes in location tracking applications and system solutions for the IoT, and among other things offers a solution for statistical evaluations regarding indoor position tracking. "In the field of sheet metal production, digitization is now becoming a crucial competitive factor. With our investment in this company we are complementing our existing intra logistics offer based on BeSpoon technology, which especially benefits small and medium-sized customers," says Tom Schneider, managing director for development in the machine tools division at TRUMPF. ZIGPOS has around 20 employees, and its customers include technology groups and companies from the semiconductor industry. It was agreed not to disclose the financial details of the investment.

Tracking of parts makes production more efficient

ZIGPOS is already supplying software components for TRUMPF's indoor position tracking system Track & Trace. The solution determines the position of sheet metal parts in real time, and the resulting transparency increases productivity in manufacturing. "With the help of our software, TRUMPF tracking systems can already significantly reduce throughput times in production. We look forward to expanding our cooperation at a strategic level," says Erik Mademann, CEO of ZIGPOS. Thanks to ultra-wideband technology, the tracking system can also be used in metal production environments – for instance, between machines and sheet metal storage areas. TRUMPF successfully uses Track & Trace for customers as well as in its own manufacturing processes.

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Track & Trace

ZIGPOS is already supplying software components for TRUMPF's indoor position tracking system Track & Trace. The solution determines the position of sheet metal parts in real time, and the resulting transparency increases productivity in manufacturing.


Rainer Berghausen
Diretor de Group Communications, assessor de imprensa
Dr. Manuel Thomä
Chefe de Relações Públicas Internacionais, Contato com a Imprensa
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