국가/지역 및 언어 선택

Smart Factory: Digital maintenance of TRUMPF laser in the global Mercedes-Benz production network

In the age of Smart Factory Mercedes-Benz relies on cloud-based monitoring of all TRUMPF lasers in smart factories in its global production network // Significant improvement in system resilience and reduction in the risk of unplanned downtime of machines ("condition monitoring") // Digital predictive servicing by connecting TRUMPF laser via MO360, the Mercedes-Benz digital ecosystem // Dynamic maintenance models: Optimisation of service costs and needs-based on-site service assignments

Ditzingen/Stuttgart, 10 June 2024 – Mercedes-Benz and high-tech company TRUMPF honed their decades-long relationship to make complex systems in production more resilient and efficient. In the age of Smart Factory both companies are focusing on predictive digital maintenance the field of real-time laser maintenance. The corresponding pilot project at the Sindelfingen site served as a blueprint for all Mercedes-Benz plants worldwide. The innovative process significantly reduces the risk of unplanned downtime of machines, which enormously increases the resilience of complex vehicle production processes.

Predictive digital maintenance thanks to standardised data infrastructure

Until now, lasers have been serviced at fixed time intervals directly in their respective locations. Master data maintenance, documentation and data exchange were carried out manually. With the help of Manufacturing Service Bus (MSB) and additional elements of the global MO360 data infrastructure, around half of the approximately 400 TRUMPF lasers and associated laser optics used worldwide at Mercedes-Benz are now connected in one cloud.

“The future of automotive production is about forward-looking, digital processes, dynamic maintenance and maximum failure avoidance. Together with our partner TRUMPF, we are driving forward continuous process optimisation with innovative condition monitoring even in system maintenance", said Jörg Burzer, Member of the Board of Management of Mercedes-Benz Group AG. Production, Quality & Supply Chain Management.

Condition Monitoring: Monitoring of production systems in real time

In the digital service condition monitoring developed by TRUMPF, the status of the lasers are now continuously monitored and analyzed cloud-based in real time. In so-called condition monitoring, TRUMPF service experts use algorithms to monitor the networked laser centrally from a single point while the machine is in progress. Abnormilities are detected immediately and reported directly to the corresponding maintenance department, accompanied by recommended actions. Mercedes-Benz is therefore able to recognize additional maintenance requirements before a laser fails. The risk of a failure is so predictable and can be prevented by maintenance measures initiated on time. This avoids unplanned downtimes in production and significantly reduces breakdowns. Over 80% of all service cases can be predicted and proactively planned.

In addition, the results of these analyses help Mercedes-Benz to operate the laser better and therefore assist in the continuous optimization of its high-tech vehicle production.  

“Digital networking is the key to greater efficiency in production. With smart factory solutions, we are strengthening the competitiveness of our customers. Through condition monitoring and data analyses, we support our partner Mercedes-Benz in its state-of-the-art production and increase the availability of our laser and machines”, said Hagen Zimer, CEO Laser Technology and Member of the Board of Management of TRUMPF

Mercedes-Benz guarantees data protection

Thanks to a globaly uniform IT architecture and standardization of the components in all assembly and vehicle plants worldwide, the highly complex production facilities are validated. Production-relevant data is not passed on to third parties. Only the laser status data is sent to the TRUMPF cloud for analysis, whereby the data streams are protected by cloud assessments and audits.

Condition Monitoring: Mercedes-Benz und das Hochtechnologieunternehmen TRUMPF setzen im Zeitalter der Smart Factory auf Echtzeit-Laserwartung  und eine vorausschauende digitale Instandhaltung aller TRUMPF Laser im globalen Produktionsnetzwerk des Autobaue

Partnership between TRUMPF and Mercedes

Hagen Zimer, CEO of TRUMPF Laser Technology, and Jörg Burzer, Member of the Board of Management of Mercedes-Benz AG, in the S-Class production facility in Sindelfingen. (Image source: Mercedes-Benz AG)

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담당자 이름

Gabriel Pankow
대변인 레이저 기술
Gabriel Pankow, Sprecher Lasertechnik
서비스 & 연락처