
Laser Power Monitor/Calibration

Greater process reliability for laser marking

Alles unter Kontrolle

Both of these options offer you even greater process reliability for your laser marking processes. The Laser Power Monitor (LPM) module controls the pump diodes in real time for a stable laser power. The Laser Power Calibration (LPC) controls the power of the pump diodes, so that you can always use the full laser power. This ensures that your one hundred thousandth marking looks exactly like your first.

More reliability

Both modules increase your process reliability for the long term.

Everything in view

The Laser Power Monitor keeps you up to speed with your laser power.

Long-lasting great results

Laser Power Calibration establishes the standard laser power value for the long term.

These two software modules ensure the high processing quality of your TruMark marking laser for the long term.

Service & contact
Sales Laser Technology

TruTops Software
Fax +1 860-255-6701