Our annual reports

Regardless of whether you would like to read our annual report online or order a printed copy, you can find the latest report and an archive of the last few years here.

Title: Plasma for tomorrow's world

The 2023/24 annual report is dedicated to plasma: chips, cell phones, photovoltaic systems - countless products around the world need plasma in their manufacture. But only a few highly specialized companies are developing generators that can produce plasma and keep it in check. Experience an annual report that delves deep into the world of plasma and sheds light on the various fields of application, products and people who work with plasma at TRUMPF worldwide.

2023/24 Annual Report
7 MB
2023/24 Annual Report

Title: Plasma for tomorrow's world

2022/23 Annual Report
13 MB
2022/23 Annual Report

Title: 100

2021/22 Annual Report
6 MB
2021/22 Annual Report

Title: ahead

2020/21 Annual Report
6 MB
2020/21 Annual Report

Title: In the field

Printed versions

Order a printed copy of our latest annual report.

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