Solutions for machine and systems engineering

Working together to ensure success

Are you a machine and systems engineering company and want to use TRUMPF machines to produce components for your systems quickly and to a high quality. Or would you like to get started in the field of industrial lasers in order to make your systems even more attractive? When it comes to solutions for machine and systems engineering, TRUMPF is the perfect partner for you. This is because, as a mechanical engineering company since 1923 and laser pioneer since 1979, we know from our own experience which products and complete solutions will impress your customers in the long term. TRUMPF machines and tools process numerous thick sheet metal parts and tubes in designs that are used in machine and systems engineering. Do you want to integrate laser technology in your systems? We are by your side: From the initial idea, optimization of parameters, and commissioning at your customer's premises up to subsequent service and additional application consulting in the case of new requirements.

Integrate TRUMPF products
Optimal production of server & electrical cabinets

TRUMPF is your perfect partner

Are you planning to integrate laser technology into your machines? Would you like to manufacture parts for your systems even more productively with our machines and tools? Find out more information here about how we can best support you as a machine and systems engineering company in these two cases.

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