Robotic welding expertise: knowing how to do it

Are you new to robotic welding? Does laser welding sound promising, but you're not sure how to prepare the components? That's OK. As our partner, you get everything you need to start right away – whether welding parameters or know-how on fixture design. And more than anything, you get a system that you can program in a flash.

This is what our customers say

Web special on laser welding, CBV quote

We were worried that laser welding would only pay off from a high quantity. We now even weld individual pieces. I can even use an intern for this task while my specialist is preparing the next fixture.

Werner Neumann
CEO at CBV Blechbearbeitung GmbH

The exceptionally easy operation is a huge advantage. Programming is normally extremely time-consuming when setting up manual welding workstations. But the TruArc Weld is very easy to operate with just a little training. This makes the transition to automated welding very quick.

Josef Vacík
Steel construction project manager, ENGEL STROJÍRENSKÁ SPOL. S R.O., Czech Republic

Automated welding with simple programming

We rely on simple programming in the TruArc Weld 1000 and TruLaser Weld 1000 to make automated welding as easy as possible for you. This means you operate and program them intuitively and without a lot of training. You create programs offline for the TruLaser Weld 5000 while the laser welding cell is working.

Machines with added value

Techsets and welding jobs included: we give you all sorts of useful welding parameters for your robotic welding cell. Whether you weld with the electric arc or the laser: save yourself the tedious search for parameters and fall back on our collective know-how.

Fill up on knowledge from experience

TRUMPF has decades of experience, particularly in laser welding – as your partner, we share this expertise with you.

Start with reliable parameters

Just start welding: tried and tested parameters are stored which resiliently tolerate even slight material deviations.

Just start welding

Speed or quality – for laser welding, you choose from different techsets for many materials and sheet thicknesses.

The position is decisive

Vertical-down weld or upright weld - for the TruArc Weld you receive parameters for the position of the weld seam.

WeldGuide – the reference guide for successful welding

We share exclusive tips and practical expertise on anything to do with laser welding in the WeldGuide. This helps you utilize your welding systems even better and discover potential for future orders. The information database is divided into different areas: Basics, Example Parts, Configurator and Calculator.


When is heat conduction welding suitable, and when should deep penetration welding be applied? How do I configure components so that they are laser-compatible? Which seam geometries can I weld? You find everything you need here, from the basic concepts to specific application knowledge.

Example parts

What type of part do you want to weld, what are the requirements, seam geometry, material and sheet thickness? Just select the corresponding parameters and have the example parts displayed. By the way, as a customer you receive the appropriate fixture as a detailed CAD model to download.


Configure your machine plus the corresponding welding optics. You can use this to easily check the accessibility of your components and fixtures in your own CAD tool. All standard machine and optics models of the TruLaser Weld 5000 are available to download in the WeldGuide.

Use the WeldGuide free of charge

This is where you can find extensive basic information on welding. Just log in for full access: all you need is a MyTRUMPF account.

Don't have a MyTRUMPF account yet? You can register now using the following link:

Find out more

Welding competence

Skilled welding professionals are hard to find. We help you grow autonomously. Will you take off into your automated future with us as your co-pilot?


Consistent and economic welding with no exceptions: launch your quality offensive with automation.


Laser welding is worth it, even without full utilization – see for yourself when you compare TIG-welded components with laser-welded components.