Short and ultrashort pulse lasers
Short and ultrashort pulse lasers from TRUMPF are the ideal industry-ready tool for microprocessing. They are well-suited for all standard processing methods such as cutting, drilling, ablating, and structuring, in a wide range of materials. The bandwidth of the TruMicro Series ranges from short-pulse lasers in the nanosecond range (ns-lasers) to ultrashort pulse lasers, picosecond lasers, and femtosecond lasers (ps- and fs-lasers). The ps-lasers and fs-lasers enable cold processing of the material even at moderate average power, meaning that there is practically no heat input on the workpiece. The average laser powers of the short and ultrashort pulse lasers from TRUMPF range from 10 to 150 W on ultrashort pulse lasers and up to several hundred watts on short pulse laser. The high peak pulse powers are unrivalled, with the total costs remaining extremely low over the full life cycle.