*Find out from your contact person at TRUMPF when the respective TruTops Boost main version is available in your country and how you can obtain it.
TruTops Boost innovations
Find out here what innovations the current release of TruTops Boost has to offer.
Version 18*
Version 17
Version 16
Version 15
Version 14
Version 13
Version 12
Version 11

Accelerate the search procedure by selecting which field is to be searched with the search term entered.

Use sheet program profiles to automatically create scrap skeleton separating cuts.

Take advantage of an improved black colour scheme when working in the TecZone Cut.

Use Smart Collision Prevention (SCP 4.0) to avoid collisions during LiftMaster removal.

Use the new import service to import and process 3D geometries more quickly.
Version 10
Generate bending programmes for panel benders.
Work more quickly and efficiently in TecZone Cut with fluid zooming and moving thanks to a completely newly developed graphic module.
You decide which layout you would like to open as standard when starting up TruTops Boost.
Individually customise the filter display to suit your operating mode.
Use the new SortMaster Compact for palletising with pallet change.
Automatically or manually identify tubes and purchased parts directly during import.
Version 9
Use construction lines to sketch 2D geometries more quickly.
Use the line properties in the VLG templates, for example, to define the rolling direction.
Benefit from the extended options of simplified 2D design.
Utilise the new scrap calculation which can take remainder sheets into account.
Process your components allowing for the visible edge.