TruTops Boost innovations

Find out here what innovations the current release of TruTops Boost has to offer.

Version 18*

HomeZone: TruLaser Coil Edition 8000

Coil machine installation and configuration is now supported in HomeZone.

Design: additional properties supported with 2D templates

2D templates now support dynamic attributes and further properties

Design: enhanced performance when opening 3D parts

Only open the cut geometry of the part without loading the 3D model when required

Design: production drawings available as PDF documents in HomeZone

Save the production drawings as PDF documents in HomeZone directly 

Punch and laser processing: TruMatic 5000 with new SheetMaster, GripMaster

The new TruMatic 5000 (K11) machine is fully supported in TecZone Cut. SheetMaster and GripMaster removals are automatically created.

Laser cutting: colour representation of parts and contour sizes for laser processing

Parts and contour sizes can be displayed in colour in the menu view in TecZone Cut to make it easier to differentiate between them.

Laser cutting: New cut up scrap strategy for laser flatbed machines

Circular scrap can be automatically cut into two parts in TecZone Cut for process reliable disposal.

Laser cutting: new removal strategy for TruLaser Center 7030 waste container

SortMaster Speed removals can be automatically created for disposal into the scrap container in TecZone Cut.

Bending: undo and redo function available in TecZone Bend

Undo one or several actions using the key combination CTRL+Z. To redo a previously undone action, use CTRL+Y.

Bending: create grippers with ease, both automatically and manually

Create new grippers for TruBend 5000 with ease. Select between an automatic gripper suggestion or manual creation.

Bending: use auxiliary bending for collision-free bending of parts that are not originally bendable.

Add auxiliary bending to the part in TecZone Bend via the 2D part workflow. 

Bending: unload L-shaped parts using the 'alternating stack' de-stacking pattern

Use the new 'alternating stack' de-stacking pattern to unload L-shaped parts in order to stack them compactly inside each other.

Bending: heavy-duty tools for TruBend 8000

The new heavy-duty tools for TruBend 8000 are now supported.

Version 17

Support of design profiles for 2D import

Use design models to control the import and boosting of 2D geometries in a similar way to 3D models.

Enhanced performance when importing and dismantling assemblies

Import and dismantle assemblies much faster than before without using TecZone Design.

New time calculation for TruMatic 1000/3000 and TruPunch 1000/3000

The new time calculation for the TruMatic 1000/3000 (K07/K09) and the TruPunch 1000/3000 (S19/S20) provides more precise processing times for these machines.

New approach dimple function for punch laser machines and TruLaser Center 7030

For TruMatic machines and the TruLaser Center 7030, approach dimples can be created on individual or multiple contours with adjustable parameters.

Display of the subsequent workstation in the TecZone Cut

If the subsequent work station has been set in an order, this can be displayed in the TecZone Cut in the palletization and in the single sheet view.

Placing small parts on a pallet

Place small parts on a pallet with the pivoting-jaw gripper.

Support of new TruBend Cell 5000 Lean Edition

Program the new TruBend Cell 5000 Lean Edition in TecZone Bend. 

TruBend 8000 (B36) Series support

Other versions of the new TruBend 8000 (B36) series are supported. 

Configurable results lists

The information displayed in the results lists can be configured on a user-specific basis.

Subsequent workstation after cutting

The subsequent workstation can be managed in the HomeZone. Alternatively, a transfer from the Oseon work plan is possible.

Version 16

Standardised tool assignment in TecZone Design and TecZone Bend

Benefit from the standardised tool assignment in Design and Bend with fewer messages and thus less post-processing. 

Improvements in GEO Viewer

Check the generated cut geometry for important properties such as stored tools or recognised formed sections in GEO Viewer.

Configurable results list

The display of the results list can be set user-defined.

New setting for Boost for geometry import

You can decide if the part is boosted when the geometry is imported. Adjust and customise the setting for your process.

Simple navigation to parts with a double click

Double clicking in the single part overview bar focuses parts in single sheet view and part overview and marks sheets with the part in the sheet overview.

Switch off gas automatically when positioning

When positioning between cutting processes the gas pressure is switched off. This reduces energy costs and increases process reliability.

Improved nesting taking into account the single part cutting solution

All processing on parts and sheets in taken into account when nesting. Activate the process rules NestGmtsForPunch to do this.

M and S Multigripper support

Utilise the flexibility of the M and S multigripper in order to execute a large variety of parts with one gripper on the TruBend Cell 5000.

More flexibility when placing small parts automatically

You can now place small parts onto a pallet using a gripper or drop them into a box using a suction cup gripper. 

TruBend Series 8000
TruBend 8400 (B36) Series support

You can program the new TruBend 8400 (B36) in full in TecZone Bend.

New bending aid TruBend 8000 Series support

Benefit from the support of the new bending aid of the TruBend 8000 Series. 

Version 15

Improvements to the preparation of 2D data

Benefit from the improvements to the preparation of 2D files, such as additional smoothing options and performance enhancements.

Automatic 2D form recognition

In addition to 3D form recognition, you can now also replace 2D forms in cut geometry using working strokes, processing samples or other 2D templates.

Edge Line Bevel with the rounding edges function

Advantages of rounding edges: Improved paint adhesion and reduction of cutting injuries.

Optimise the assignment of containers across sheets

The sorting of equal parts into equal containers is carried out across sheets using Boost and can be carried out in the sheet overview.

TruBend Cell 5000: Stacking against a bevelled wall

Flexible stacking of parts against a bevelled wall is now possible.

Enhancement of bend deduction management

The entry for customer tools has been revised. The creation of new bend deductions is significantly quicker and more comfortable thanks to the new copy function.

TruBend Cell 5000: Support for all small parts removal station options

All installation versions of the small parts removal station are now supported.

TruBend 1225 - B42

The new novice bending machine TruBend 1224 4-Axis can now be programmed.

Machine change on a cutting job

The cutting machine of the job can be changed in HomeZone.

Preview the number of parts using sheet templates

Preview the number of parts in the order list when selecting a sheet template.

Version 14

TruTops Boost V14, Screenshot Lean Nest
Focusing on Lean Nest as a nesting profile

Benefit from our simplification in the nesting range by focusing on Lean Nest and the new added values pertaining to new behaviours concerning the TwinLine blocks, as well as nesting single part cutting solutions in the area of lasers.

TruTops Boost V14, Screenshot Performanceverbesserung
Performance enhancements for faster operation

Benefit from a faster operating experience thanks to new performance enhancements - particularly for perforated sheets.

TruTops Boost V14, Screenshot Nanojoints
Intelligently tacked parts with nanojoints

Minimise marking in tacked parts with the new nanojoint feature.

TruTops Boost V14, Screenshot EdgeLine Bevel
New EdgeLine Bevel module

Reduce your post-processing by creating a welding edge or counterbore on the laser machine.

TruTops Boost V14, Screenshot Verbesserung Abstapelmöglichkeiten
TruBend Cell 5000 - significant improvement of stacking options

Features and enhancements offer many new options for stacking parts on pallets.

TruTops Boost V14, Screenshot Störkonturen
TruBend Cell 5000 3D model import of customer cell components

Importing cell components as obstructions or deposit stations is supported.

TruTops Boost V14, Screenshot Import von Greifern
TruBend Cell 5000 3D model import of grippers

The import of grippers using ARV files is supported.

TruTops Boost V14, Screenshot Import- und Abwicklungsprofile
Import and development profiles

Control the geometry import and generated cut geometry using profiles.

TruTops Boost V14, Screenshot Konvertierungstool
Conversion tool

Process stacks and convert 2D and 3D geometries before import in TruTops Boost.

TruTops Boost V14, Screenshot externe Dokumente
External documents

Add documents to your parts and orders.

TruTops Boost V14, Screenshot Wiederherstellung von Tabs
Restore last view

The tabs which were last used, including filters and sorting, can be restored when starting HomeZone.

Version 13

TruTops Boost V13, palletisation module
New palletisation module for SortMaster Speed and Compact

Benefit from an improved automatic palletisation suggestion and a more precise check for interactions.

TruTops Boost V13, sheet program
New options for updating parts on sheets

When updating a part within a sheet program, make the most of the different selection options, from replacement to removal of a part.

TruTops Boost V13, single part cutting program
Improved updating of cutting programs

Update the single part cutting program for geometry adjustments, taking the existing processing into consideration.

TruTops Boost V13, enlarged preview graphics
Large preview images in HomeZone

Identify the differences in similar parts in the results list more easily thanks to enlarged preview graphics.

TruTops Boost V13, main information strip
Main information bar

Use the main information bar for quick access to the most important data of single parts and components of one assembly

TruTops Boost V13, 2D form recognition
2D form recognition

Analogous to 3D shape recognition, formed section contours can now also be replaced in 2D by assigned punching tools or processing samples

TruTops Boost V13, screenshot - GMT nesting
Improved nesting taking into account the single part cutting solution

Reduce the adaptation requirements during nesting by following the single part cutting solution for TruLaser machines (excluding TruLaser Center 7030).

Version 12

Configurable toolbars

Compile frequently used functions in individually configurable toolbars to program sheet programs more quickly.

SortMaster Compact with TruPunch 1000
TruMatic/TruPunch 3000 with SortMaster Compact

Program the new TruMatic/TruPunch 3000 with SortMaster Compact.

TruTops Boost V12, 2D comparison in TecZone Design
2D comparison in TecZone Design

Compare 2D geometries and apply targeted changes from one part to another.

LoadMaster, smart functions monitor the separation of parts
Advanced SortMaster removal

Generate removal for the SortMaster with automatic use of the continuously extendible suction cup slats.

TruTops Boost V12, Lean Nest without time limits
Lean Nest without time limit

Use the new nesting algorithm without a time limit to achieve even better scrap-optimised sheet utilisation.

Version 11

Version 10

Version 9

*Find out from your contact person at TRUMPF when the respective TruTops Boost main version is available in your country and how you can obtain it.

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