Punching, image of the technology

Punching machines

TruPunch machines from TRUMPF offer you flexible processing of a diverse range of parts. As well as punching, the machines provide the option of reforming metal parts or tapping – all on just one machine. The punching head can rotate tools in any angular position. This minimises setup times and increases your productivity. Innovative developments such as the active and retractable die ensure optimum part quality. Intelligent automation options make life easier for the operator and increase throughput.

At a glance: what benefits do our punching machines offer you?

You can manufacture complete parts on a TRUMPF punching machine. The technology is versatile due to the abundance of punching tools. Find out more about this here.

TruPunch 1000 (S19)

TruPunch 1000 (S19)

The TruPunch 1000 is a compact punching machine for the entry-level segment and can be automated step by step.

TruPunch 3000

TruPunch 3000

Scratch-free parts, efficiently processed: the TruPunch 3000 achieves outstanding part quality and is your complete solution for punching and more. It also scores with an easy-to-operate HMI.

TruPunch 5000, productive high-end machine

TruPunch 5000

The TruPunch 5000 sets new standards in terms of productivity. It produces a wide range of parts quickly, flexibly and with maximum precision and process reliability. Individual automation solutions maximise the throughput, particularly during multiple-shift operation.

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Sketched diagram of a TruPunch punching machine
At a glance: The advantages of our TRUMPF punching machines

Technology that truly saves time: With TRUMPF machines, punching is more than making holes in sheet metal - you can manufacture complete parts on a TRUMPF punching machine. Find out more here!

TRUMPF punching tools
Punching tools

Take advantage of the world's largest range of punching tools – including 40 years of TRUMPF experience in developing and producing tools.

PunchGuide key visual
TRUMPF PunchGuide

Discover the potential of punching technology and get inspired! The PunchGuide is a toolkit full of ideas, knowledge and tips from our punching experience. 

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