Aviation and aerospace visual

Aviation and aerospace

Generate or repair components using additive manufacturing


TRUMPF enjoys an excellent reputation in the aviation and aerospace industry. In the various areas of application for our lasers, we meet the stringent quality requirements for repaired or generated components such as turbine, compressor, and blisk blades. Due to their precision and flexibility, 3D printing systems are predestined for these tasks and are shaping the future of manufacturing in this industry. TRUMPF is the only manufacturer in the world to offer all relevant laser technologies for additive manufacturing from a single source: generative laser metal deposition as well as laser metal fusion.

The success story of our customer

Component repairs and production

Laserauftragschweißen in der Luft- und Raumfahrt

Customers from the aviation and aerospace industry can achieve cost savings of over 90% by repairing blisks (blade integrated disks) or compressor/turbine blades. Instead of replacing the damaged components with new purchased parts, you can regenerate them precisely using laser metal deposition (LMD). This method can also be used to geometrically adjust, repair, or generate other high-quality components, such as different housings. The laser generates a weld pool on the component surface and melts on metal powder which is added at the same time, thereby creating the desired shape. Our lasers are also used for cutting, welding, marking, drilling, and for the structural processing of surfaces in aviation and aerospace applications. 

Inductive material testing and heat treatment

Induktive Materialprüfung und Wärmebehandlung

In the aviation and aerospace industry, induction can be used for non-destructive testing of key components such as turbine blades. With induction heating, industrial customers can easily form aluminum tubes. Induction heat treatment is also used for joining technology, such as screws. At TRUMPF, industry customers benefit from compact power supplies due to the high power density. The technology can also be easily integrated into existing production lines. Induction power supplies from TRUMPF Hüttinger are characterized by high efficiency, low cooling water requirements, and maximum flexibility in use.

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