Stefanie Epple optimiert Maschinen bei TRUMPF. Eine Aufgabe, für die ihr Herz schlägt - nicht zuletzt, weil sie viel mit ihren privaten Interessen zu tun hat.
[Translate to en_CA:] Entscheider mit Pioniergeist
Vor nicht allzu langer Zeit saß Andreas Schumacher noch im Hörsaal. Jetzt entwickelt er bei TRUMPF eine Software für Industrie 4.0. Sein Erfolgsrezept: Einfach mal drauf einlassen.
[Translate to en_CA:] Mit Sicherheit alles im Blick
Als Vertriebsingenieur muss Julian Berkmann alle Fäden zusammenhalten. So sorgt er jeden Tag dafür, dass nicht nur seine Projekte sicher laufen, sondern auch viele tausende Fahrzeuge.
Steffen Rübling advises customers all over the world about the opportunities and options that additive manufacturing provides. However, even he was initially anything but familiar with this innovative business area.
"Join us in pushing the boundaries of what is feasible within semi-conductor manufacturing. Come work with us on our complex CO2 laser systems for EUV lithography."
TRUMPF Lasersystems for Semiconductor Manufacturing
Laser light and metal powder: These are the ingredients for additive manufacturing. At TRUMPF, we trust you to boldly use your creative freedom to help shape the future of 3D printing.
Additive manufacturing
In the software development department at TRUMPF, you will be guiding our customers into Industry 4.0 in agile teams. Unconventional ideas are on the agenda in order to meet every challenge on the way to the Smart Factory.
Software development
In the controlling department at TRUMPF, you are not only creating the necessary transparency for controlling according to uniform, commercial standards – you also work together with all departments and support them in the sensible management of the area according to figures.
With your confidence to take risks on fresh ideas and our trust to back you up, you can bring innovations to life at TRUMPF as an engineer in the Research and Development department.
Research and Development
Job Vacancies
How to apply
TRUMPF as an employer
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International work
We support those who are eager to take on international assignments as this promotes mutual understanding and international collaboration. Working abroad is also an important element of career development.
Development opportunities
An innovative company lives on bold ideas. We therefore offer specific support to our employees to aid their sense of initiative, their strengths, and their knowledge.
Interculturalism, inclusion, equal opportunities: We strongly believe that our company benefits from the proactive involvement of different people.